When I got to their apartment I was a little disillusioned with the piece but the elderly couple was moving and needed to get rid of it and they needed the money. Now, my wonderful Father in Law is always telling me how I can make a sow's ear into a silk purse (don't you just love that saying?). So, as I was contemplating hauling this thing down the stairs (when I didn't really want it) I remembered what he always says to me and decided I would take it. The man was so happy and I knew, even if it had to go in the garbage, that I had done the right thing.
When I got it home I started looking it over and other than being covered in bird poo it was in really nice condition.
Ever since I used this bird fabric to line some drawers a couple of months ago I knew it deserved to be front and center on a piece and this was the perfect little project for it.
I chose to go neutral with the color scheme so the fabric would be the focal point.
I hate those chunky monkey handles in the middle of the doors, so I filled the holes and replaced them. And, guess what? The moldings on the door fronts are actually plastic (they usually are on pieces like this), so I wasn't sure the wood filler was going to work, but it did fine. :)
The color is Millstone from General Finishes and the door fronts are done in Antique White with a little Millstone added in.
So cute!
Can't you just see this full of white towels?
I replaced those yucky pulls with these rusty iron knobs. Much better!